Fr. Nikolaos
Reverend Father Nikolaos Tambakis
[email protected]
Mobile: 204-333-3572
Fr. Nikolaos was born 1970 to Demetrios & Ekaterini Tambakis, who immigrated to Canada from the Prefecture of Argolida, Greece. Born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in this parish of St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church, Fr. Nikolaos is a proud Greek Canadian who has adopted both cultures in his heart.
“Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, it is with joy and gratitude that I welcome you to our beloved St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church. As a son of this community, I am blessed to serve alongside you in our common journey towards our Lord Jesus Christ. Through the richness of our Orthodox Faith and the warmth of our Canadian heritage, let us strive to deepen our love for God and one another. May the prayers of our patron saint, St. Demetrios, be with us always. Welcome home!”
Fr. Nikolaos tambakis
“Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28

In 1993 Fr. Nikolaos graduated from University of Winnipeg with a Bachelor of Arts, double-majoring in Administrative Studies and Psychology. Afterwards, he proceeded to enlist in the Hellenic Army and received an Honourable Discharge in 1995.
In 2000 Fr. Nikolaos married his wonderful wife, Presbytera Linda-Elizabeth. They have two great children, Dimitrios and Xenia.
In 2002 Fr. Nikolaos answered God’s call and entered the Patriarchal Toronto Orthodox Theological Academy. In July 2004 he was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by His Eminence Metropolitan Sotirios here in his home parish of St. Demetrios in Winnipeg; in August of the same year he was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Grace Bishop Christoforos at St. John the Theologian Chapel in Toronto, Ontario.
St. John The Theologian Chapel
Father served St. John the Theologian Chapel at the Holy Metropolis and Sts. Cyril and Methodius Chapel at the Hellenic Home for the Aged during his final year of studies. He graduated with a Bachelor of Theology from the Academy in 2005.

After graduation Fr. Nikolaos was transferred to Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Thunder Bay, Ontario, where he served for 13 years, and participated in the 100 year anniversary of their parish. Since November 2018, Fr. Nikolaos has come to serve his home parish of St. Demetrios here in Winnipeg, reunited with childhood friend and brother in Christ, Rev. Dn. John Karvelas.
To relax, Father enjoys family time, his home, exercise and various genres of music.